Today, Apollo shows his cards!
Apollo is the Olympian god of the sun and light, music and poetry, healing and plagues, prophecy and knowledge, order and beauty, archery and agriculture. He is a personification of harmony, reason and moderation. You can call it a blend of physical superiority and moral virtue. He has received many titles and some of them are ‘Phoebus’, ‘Loxias’, ‘Leader Of The Muses’, ‘Delian’, ‘Delphic’, ‘Pythian’.
When gods decided to choose their own Greek heroes, Apollo took Prometheus, Paris, Asclepius and Menelaus under his wings.

Prometheus (Legendary Hero)
Prometheus was the son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanid Clymene. He is popular as the fire bringer among mortals. During the Titanomachy, he sided with Zeus. Zeus won the war but Prometheus fought with him over his unfair treatment of humanity. He went on to steal the fire from the gods and gifted it to humanity. Needless to say, Zeus chained him and sent an eagle to prey upon my continuously regenerating liver. Later on, Zeus’s son Heracles freed Prometheus and he in return made peace with his saviour’s father.
Paris (Epic Hero)
Paris was the son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. He is known as the troublemaker who caused the Trojan War and brought the doom of Troy. After the prophecy of his misdoings, his parents gave him up for killing but destiny had other plans.
As a young man, Paris abducted Helen from Menelaus, aided by Aphrodite. It naturally led to the Trojan War.
He killed the brave Achilles in the Trojan war and it’s a feather in his cap. His passion for beauty will be remembered forever.

Asclepius (Epic Hero)
Asclepius is the Greek god of medicine, son of Apollo and Coronis. He is married to Epione, the goddess of soothing. His knowledge of healing arts is so good that he has managed to cheat death and bring back people from the underworld. Zeus is after his life to maintain balance in this world.
Menelaus (Common Hero)
Menelaus was the Spartan king, husband of the most beautiful woman on earth- Helen. His father was betrayed and killed by his brother Thyestes when Menelaus was still a kid. He and his brother Agamemnon fled the city and sought refuge in the nearby region. Years later, with help of King Tyndareous of Sparta, they dethroned uncle Thyestes and Menelaus’ brother became the king.
There were so many suitors for Helen that it was decided to draw lots. Menelaus became the lucky one. After Tyndareus, He and Helen took over the throne. But the Trojan War strained their relationship forever.
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